General terms:
- Counter: The physical counter referred to by the Logger’s serial number
- Counting site: The current location of the counter as created on Eco-Visio
- Counting flows: The user type and direction of the counts made by the counter, e.g., Pedestrian or Cyclist, IN or OUT
- Attach: The action of linking a counter to a counting site
- Detach: The action of unlinking a counter from a counting site
- Non-Attached Counter: a counter which is not attached to a counting site
- Widget: An individual analysis saved onto the Dashboard
- Dashboard: A group of widgets
Analysis periods:
- Year: data since 1st January of current year
- Month: data since 1st of the current month
- Week: data since Monday of the current week
- Today: all of today’s data (for counters with real-time transmissions only)
- Year: data from 1st January – 31st December of the preceding year
- Month: data for the whole of the preceding month
- Week: data for the whole of the preceding week
- Yesterday: all of yesterday’s data
- Year: data from 365 days ago up to present day
- Month: data from 30 days ago up to present day
- Week: data from 7 days ago up to present day
- Last 24 hours: data from 24 hours ago up to present hour
Analysis types:
- Time series: view your data as a graph or table
- Comparison: compare data to previous periods
- Profile: compare counting flows
- Key figures map: shows data and trends on a map
- Key figures: small widget showing a single piece of key data
- Key figures summary: showing a few pieces of key data
- Distribution: pie chart showing how counts were distributed across flows
- Weather: shows weather conditions alongside count data
- Counting sites map: simple map showing the location of counters
- Heatmap: showing the data from one counter as a heatmap
- Multiple sites heat map: shows the data from multiple counters as a heat map
- Pictures gallery: a widget showing uploaded pictures of the counter
- Simple text: a widget where you can enter and display text
- Admin: able to analyse and view data, manage counters, and manage user rights
- Master: able to analyse and view data, and manage counters
- Viewer: able to analyse and view data only